Monday, November 17, 2008


This week I can really feel for those little guys with colic. Every night, around 5 or so, regardless of what I eat, don't eat, take my medicine, don't take my medicine, etc, I start to feel HORRID. It lasts a couple of hours and I walk around moaning and groaning and feeling like ass. It doesn't help that it happens every night during the two hours I get to spend with my son every day. I resent it. But alas, such is my lot in pregnancy I guess ;)
At a mere 12 weeks I'm already feeling ligament pain, getting nightly heartburn that tums won't clear up and am nowhere near being at the end of my nausea. Have I mentioned that for the last 2 years I've joked that our next baby would either be a boy (following in the Wellman curse tradition) or twin girls. Our ultrasound is on Wednesday so at least we'll be able to rule out the twin thing soon (I hope! ;)


Anonymous said...

Forget the Wellman curse, you just cursed yourself with that "I hope" comment - I'm telling Baby A and Baby B about it when they're old enough to understand ;)

Some kind of Mom said...

You called it!!

Jenn said...

Yikes...hope you feel better, in the mornings, and after your ultrasound too!

shona said...

You are a psychic!