Thursday, September 09, 2010

365 update - the one where I almost quit

I almost quit 365 this week. In fact, I almost quit 365 on day 100.

Why? Because I found myself struggling to take a photo every day. Some days I had many great ones, but all too often I was taking a photo of a wall in my house at 11 at night just to say I took something. For some reason I am stuck on the fact that the photo NEEDS to be from the day it's supposed to be from - no fudging. And if I can't do that, I may as well quit.

Day 100 was the worst. I pathetically took a photo at 11ish with my iphone - too lazy to go out to the van to get my real camera.

100 : 365

In case you missed it, the muffins say 100 - but I can't take credit for that, Angela helped me figure out SOMETHING. You know, at 11 at night.

The next morning I had pretty much decided to quit. But, I am a tweeter. I tweeted my intent. And I was talked out of it :)

Apparently some of you like looking at my photos? (oh look, she's blatantly asking for praise ;) I'm told the lame photos are more than made up for by the good ones. And I admit that being forced to pick up my camera (almost) daily has made for some photos I probably never would have gotten otherwise.

I think it's been too long for me to go through ALL the photos I took since my last update post, so instead here are some of my favourites:

Juliette - the personality pours out of every pore
84: 365

Quinn - could he look any more pleased with himself?
85 : 365

Kiernan - sitting in the tall grass at Eric's family's farm
89 : 365

We drive to get the babies to sleep a lot. Now I stop and take photos
90 : 365

Kiernan at the MacKenzie King Estate
91 : 365

First day of school. First day on the bus. Big big day
94: 365

Happy boys in a cow train
98: 365 Cow barrel riders

I am very proud of this one. There are others from the set here if you're interested.
99 : 365

The day I didn't quit (day 101)
101 : 365

I guess I'm glad I didn't quit :)