Thursday, January 10, 2008


Despite my horrible lack of blogging commitment as of late, I still seem to get an average of about 25 hits a day (wow!) - and I want to know who you are. And guess what?! I have a little icon that will make you tell me!!

See? Time to leave me a comment and let me know you're around. So I can say "thank you thank you continuing to check in on my little blog to see what I have to randomly say about my life".

Seriously. I love that there are a few of you out there who come by to visit. And imagine, there might even be a couple of people who read through a reader and I don't even see their hits. Wow. :)

(Delurking day is happening all over - go check out rude cactus where I got this funky button, and She likes purple tells me we can do this all week and maybe I'll use the alien button tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

Lara, I read you blog ALL the time. Often, I do not have anything relevant to say. Frequently, I am sneaking a peek while at work and cannot spare the extra time to leave a comment. Keep up the good blogging, I like hearing all about your parenting adventures.

Deb said...

I read you through my feed reader but try to come and comment whenever I can... :)

Lara said...

I totally get the whole "don't really have anything to comment, or don't have time to comment" thing. I read tons of blogs daily but almost never comment. I'm trying to comment today when I can though :)

Unknown said...

You know I'm always checking for a new post. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I am no de-lurking per se cuz your site is one of the few that I never actually lurked on.

Actually at this time i'd like to publicly announce that I get full credit for Lara enabling comments on this blog, cuz when I first bugged her about it she completely rejected the idea of allowing people to comment.


Some kind of Mom said...

I read I read! :) But you knew that already!

shona said...

I read too! :)

Anonymous said...

I check quite often and find that I'm disappointed when there's not something new to read! :o)
