Friday, March 12, 2010

My things: kid rings

I wear a ring to commemorate my commitment to my relationship with my husband*. I wear it with pride and joy. When I had children the idea of a ring I could wear for them felt really good.

And so, when Kiernan was one I had a ring made with his name and date of birth, and when the twins were born I had ones made for them as well. I wear them with pride and joy,* happy to have a symbol of my commitment to all four members of my family close to me at all times*.

*Except when my hands get all fat and puffy and the rings don't fit. Also, eventually I will wear two rings (engagement and wedding).... once they both fit again. sigh. ;)


Anonymous said...

I think those rings are just brilliant. I've been thinking lately about getting Jason and myself rings to honour our commitment to each other, even though it is not "legal"

Capital Mom said...

Seriously great idea.

Anonymous said...

My efforts to be the perfect stalker expand - where'd you get them made? You wear them at same time? Same or different fingers?