Monday, December 15, 2008

Hi bungabooboo!

Kiernan LOVES making up words. It seems like half the time he comes up and says "I want to boodleemanga mommy" or "let's watch domadaba". He thinks it's hilarious! Especially if you respond with made up words too. Sometimes we read books with entirely made up words leaving him in hysterics.

His other favourite thing to do lately is to walk up to you and call you a name that isn't yours.

Kiernan "Hi Daddy!"
Me: "Hi Kiernan"
Kiernan "No. Hi Daddy!"
Me: "ok. Hi Joel"
Kiernan kills himself laughing and repeats. Sometimes calling me Grammie or Grandpapa instead.

This weekend it evolved.
Kiernan: "Hi Daddy!"
Me "Hi Joel"
Kiernan: "Ya! Kiernan is at Vicky's house" *kills himself laughing*
And I have to say, I pretty much killed myself laughing too :)


Lindsey said...

Hhahahaha that's too cute. Liam is still doing this sometimes, even at the age of 3. It's so great to get a laugh out of kids...the best sound. =D

Anonymous said...

Extremely excellent blog content today, Lara.

I especially love the "Ya! Kiernan is at Vicky's house" part.

Some kind of Mom said...

I love that Joel has made his way into Kiernan's jokes!