Halloween - a recap
This year we had three little trick or treaters to handle... and tricky it was (3 kids going in 3 different directions aie aie aie ;)
We had a beautiful butterfly, who, true to nature wanted to go where she wanted to go, wanted to walk, wouldn't let go of her candy bag for anything, but who also had a very good time.
And a cute little knight who wasn't so sure about being dressed up and walking around outside until he realized he got to keep going up to doors. "DO!" "DO?!" "DO!" (Quinn loves doors)
Kiernan loves to trick or treat, and this year was no exception even with the cold temperatures and SNOW!
Buzz was happy as anything, especially with his buddy Woody by his side. They made quite the pair, everyone thrilled to see their matching costumes!
The whole trick or treating gang.
Hope everyone had a happy halloween. I'm still (slowly) enjoying the fruits of our labour (I don't look forward to them getting to the age where we don't get to snag our own share of the loot ;)
And thanks for getting photos Vicky when my hands were never free enough :)