What's up Sunday (this is a working title)
I'm trying to blog here more. I want to change this space into something that feels more "right" for me, and I think you'll slowly notice some subtle changes. And in time notice some bigger ones (stay tuned). But I do a lot of other things, so I'm going to try to post updates from time to time, in case you want to go and have a look at some of the other things I'm doing. Kind of like the Bloggess' wrapups (except for the part where my blog and other stuff is nothing like what she does ;)
While I'm at it, I'm going to point out a few links that I've recently seen that I think are worth checking out.
Happy Sunday!
Where have I been?
Did you know that Kids in the Capital has something called Social Media Mondays? Brie and I love social media so much we want to help people figure out how to get more involved themselves. I've been writing about Twitter - the whys and the hows and the whos. If you're interested, go and check out the posts, and give it a try yourself!
Losing it Ottawa - I briefly lost 20 lbs! Woohoo! I'm not there any more, but I'm also glad I'm no longer bedridden with bronchitis (you win some, you lose some, right?) But I have started Booty Camp Fitness and I'm going to be talking about that over the next few weeks. Go cheer me on - it helps me stay focused :)
Where should you go?
This kid - hilarious. Worth watching 4 or 5 times to cheer yourself up. :)
Tis almost the season, check out Dani's post on all the Santa parades and make your plans now!
This is a football video, and even *I* was amused.*
*my husband sends me funny things. He gets the credit for finding them in the first place.