Sunday, July 26, 2009

I survived

Almost three year olds have a lot of energy and a lot of will. Holy crap!

Kiernan goes back to daycare tomorrow after a 3 week vacation for his daycare provider. During those three weeks he was with me full time for 2 and was in a morning day camp the first week. The second week I was at the cottage with my inlaws (and Kiernan's cousins to keep him entertained a lot of the time) and this week it was just me, the three kids, and thankfully, my mother's helper.

It pushed me to really start adapting to this new three kids lifestyle and we ended up having a lot of fun and almost no breakdowns, almost ;) I love him to pieces but I do look forward to his return to daycare tomorrow and me trying to finally find my groove with the babies mostly on my own. I've never actually had a full day on my own with the babies (because I am super duper lucky/spoiled) and so this week will mark the start of that. That being said, I will still get my helper to come over a few days and help me get some stuff done around the house. It's her last available week before she's gone for three weeks so I may as well take advantage. And I also think I'll be setting up lots of "playdates" for me with my mommy friends - it's easier when I'm out.

A few highlights of our weeks together:

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