Friday, July 31, 2009

I could clothe a village...

... a village of fat people. Aie!

Yesterday I sent the babies out for a walk with my MH as I tried to tackle the disaster that is my clothing. There was so much in my closet and drawers that there wasn't any room to put away clean clothing. I had boxes on the floor of stuff I'd put away because I wouldn't be able to wear it during the pregnancy and stuff I was putting away because the pregnancy was over.

I started sorting pants first, by size. They ranged from 15 - 22 (ack ack ack, but I just had twins dudes) and I made piles. And the piles grew. And grew. And then I started getting curious, how many pairs of pants did I have? I stopped counting because it was getting too ridiculous when I got to 50. FIFTY!

My friend asked if I was going to purge, and the answer is no because right now, I'm in the top sizes. And so it is time to work my way back down through the sizes and giveaway the humongo pants as I go along. I no longer have pregnancy or even the thought of subsequent pregnancies as excuses - I am done being fat (again) so it's time to get some of this poundage off.

At 11 weeks I'm starting to see the light (the one at the end of the tunnel instead of the one I was willing myself to go towards when I was so tired I wanted to die ;) and I think I can handle starting to meal plan and cook a bit more. I don't expect anything to happen too quickly, but I'm ready to start trying again. Hold me to it internets.


Anonymous said...

50?? Holy crap. And good luck with the weight. I know how hard it was to lose that baby weight and I only had one. It's difficult enough under normal circumstances, but when you're exhausted all the time from looking after babies, it's even more difficult. I found the baby-jogger was my lifeline. I could do a quick trot first thing every morning (when I still had some energy) with the baby and we'd all get some fresh air and I'd be done with exercise for the day.

Lynn said...

I did that recently too -- cleaned out and reorganized my closet. I pants in six different sizes, plus maternity clothes. It was easy to give away the maternity stuff, but everything else stayed. Although I've lost a lot of the baby weight now (my youngest just turned 2)...I'm finding it's hard to maintain. You have to keep working at it all the time!

Good luck with the workouts, I look forward to hearing about your progress...and how you've managed to keep your sanity with twins :).

Rebecca said...

I'm trying to lose weight right now too because I don't fit in to any of my clothing. It sucks. I also had to throw away one of the few pairs of pants that fit me the other day because I'd worn holes on the inside of the thighs. Ugh. Good luck and keep us up-to-date with the weight loss efforts. I'm currently using SparkPeople but may have to switch to Weight Watchers which has worked for me in the past.

Anonymous said...

Wow... you have way more clothes than me.
I only have 12 pairs of pants total - counting my slacks and my jeans. If I add in my capris, I still come in under 20.
Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

For someone with a severe case of stuffitis, going through clothes or any other stuff gets me all antsy. Working on overcoming it though!

Some kind of Mom said...

Are all of these 50 pairs of pants still in style?

Lara said...

The vast majority of the pants have been purchased in the last 3 years as I have yo-yoed through sizes from pregnancies. A few others were hand me downs, although most of those are just standard dress pants. Something I don't really have a great need for but figure I should hold on to for now just in case. There are a few pair that will likely end up in the good will bag - like the size 15 jeans with the embroidered flowers up the leg ;)

Katie Valentine said...

oooh, hey!! I remember those!!! Those were awesome!!! (but maybe slightly dated. :)

Good luck, lady - it's a hard row to how, but seriously, it's easier right now when you're already turning extra calories into twins that it will be when they stop the nursing and you require the actual exersise to make up the difference....

Not that the weight ever magically melted off like they promised me it would, but when I went back to WW after MasterP at 3 months, it was way, way easier than when I went back when MlleL was 9 months and eating mostly food....

And you know I'm a crazy advocate of the walking strollercize. I think there's an Orleans version....