Friday, May 11, 2007

What makes me a mom

I'm days away from my first mother's day as a mother, and the same amount of days away from having been a mom for EIGHT months! Amazing, these last 8 months have flown by. In their actual moments, they were slower than imaginable, but retrospectively, wow! My baby is eight months old and I swear it was way more recently that I went through that whole labour and delivery thing :)

So in honour of my first mother's day I am taking part in my first blog carnival/blog blast , organized by Parent Bloggers and Light Iris, with this post about what makes me a mother. I've come up with tons of different answers as I tried to write this post in my head - so many require me to get all cheeseball and sentimental which is so not my thing but may be unavoidable with this topic :) They include: not sleeping a full night in over eight months, cleaning up poop, vomit, snot on a daily basis without batting an eye due my new found momimmunity, taking a million pictures of the most gorgeous baby you've ever seen, taking my baby to the doctor when he's sick, being responsible for this small life, gazing at this wonder that is my child and realizing that he is ours, rejoicing in every new milestone, wearing my baby, learning to take it one day at a time, bragging to everyone I see and making them look at the photo in my wallet, missing my baby terribly when I am away for too long, spending my free time blogging about being a mom or creating a business that will give me more time to be a mom. Really the list is endless.

Ultimately, I don't think anything MAKES me a mom. I just am a mom. By having had the honour of adding Kiernan to my family and getting to love him and take care of him, I am now his mom. And it gives me the warm fuzzy gushies just to think about it.

If you want to take part in this blog carnival, check out Parent Blogger for all the details.


Anonymous said...

Awww! That is wonderful Lara!! Being a Mommy is awesome! :D

Some kind of Mom said...

Here here!!! I wouldn't trade being a mom to Joel for a single minute of my old life.